  • Wednesday, 25 August 2021
  • +971 554 200 425

The Asian Banker Middle East and Africa Regional Awards Ceremony 2021

Amid the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic to the region's economy, financial institutions (FIs) in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region are moving towards digitalisation. From customer experience to retail services, MEA banks are expanding their digital footprint in the age of tremendous interconnectivity. Keeping pace with regulatory upheaval while implementing technologies such as open banking and APIs, RPAs, and AI are the keys for banks to remain competitive in the digital-first era. Many banks have modified their digital strategies to provide a unique service where customers can meet a range of needs in a seamless digital experience such as the wide adoption of blockchain technology,internet of things (IoT), cloud-based apps to provide operational efficiencies, intermediary cost savings, and a culture of transparency. As a result, the benefits of increased revenue streams, regulatory enforcement, and improved operational efficiency are likely to be reaped by banks that efficiently leverage their digital assets, reinforce cyber resilience, and manage third-party risks. The Asian Banker Middle East and Africa Regional Awards programmes for 2021 have documented some of the best practices demonstrated by various financial institutions and their preparedness to compete and win in the post COVID-19 digital world. To celebrate the achievements of these top performing institutions, the Middle East and Africa regional awards ceremony will be held virtually on Wednesday, 25 August 2021. As part of the ceremony, there will also be a dialogue session in which senior industry executives will share their insights and views on the current themes that are reshaping the financial services industry. As part of the ceremony, there will also be a dialogue session in which senior industry executives will share their insights and views on the current themes that are reshaping the financial services industry.

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Sue Kim

skim@theasianbanker.com +971 55 8587 992

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Joshua Sangalang

jsangalang@theasianbanker.com +63 905 025 3810