Making Your Submission
1. Who is eligible?
The programme is open to all financial institutions active in the financial market space globally. You are invited to submit entries for one or more award categories. Awards are granted based on the quality of submissions and the benchmarks they establish for the industry each year. As a result, not all categories may have winners annually. The awards are periodically updated to reflect changes in financial markets, the emergence of new trading platforms, and advancements in technology and processes.
2. What documents do I need to submit?
TAB Global believes that all relevant information can be documented in five pages or less. A compelling submission provides clear evidence of achievement, and explains why the achievement is significant, and/or why your institution outperformed its peers. Submissions can be made in electronic form using any format.
3. Can I make more than one submission?
TAB Global welcomes submissions for all categories that you qualify for. Please indicate which awards you apply for in the submission document.
4. Will institutions that do not make a submission be considered?
We may decide, at its own discretion and on a strictly case by case basis, to consider institutions that do not make a submission. However, institutions that do not make a submission may have a ranking that is not up to their expectations due to unavoidable difficulties in gathering comprehensive and accurate information.
5. Is the information submitted made available to the public?
All information submitted is treated with the strictest confidence and used for evaluation purposes only. TAB Global publishes generic reports that discuss trends and emerging best practices demonstrated through the programme. Where we deem specific submissions as being suitable for publication, we will first seek your permission before publication.
6. Contact information
For more information on our Financial Markets Awards 2025 Programme, please visit our website or contact Ms. Shenming Wang at Your application should be submitted in softcopy to
7. Commitment to integrity statement
TAB Global is committed to the highest level of integrity in conducting all of its awards programmes. At no time, would we conduct ourselves in a manner that could give the industry any reasons to doubt the impartiality of the decision-making process. We make a clear distinction between the commercial aspects of running an awards programme, which go towards underwriting the costs of the researchers and the time involved, and the neutrality with which our researchers make their decisions. We would like the industry to take these awards, presented by The Asian Banker, as representing the most prestigious recognition of their work as well as professional careers.
TAB Global has examined many different forms of funding the awards programmes and have found that the model that we currently have is the most effective. A well-run awards programme must have important working elements that define it.
TAB Global awards programmes are run with the intention to identify emerging best practices and benchmarks that can set high standards for the industry to meet, exceed and shape the future. The community element is extremely important as the awards programme is meant to inspire future progress in the industry. As such, the conference and awards dinners are a critical component of the programmes. We insist that all winners attend these programmes to ensure that the community element is intact. For this reason, winners can forfeit their recognition if they do not attend the designated awards ceremonies.