Submission Details
The programme is open to all central banks and financial services regulators active in the financial market space globally. You are invited to submit entries for one or more award categories. Awards are granted based on the quality of submissions and the benchmarks they establish for the industry each year. As a result, not all categories may have winners annually.
You need to fill the questionnaire and provide all relevant details of the implementation project.
TAB Global may decide, at its own discretion and on a strictly case by case basis, to consider regulators that do not make a submission. However, regulators that do not make a submission may have a ranking that is not up to their expectations due to unavoidable difficulties in gathering full and accurate information when a submission has not been made.
Submissions that contain the necessary documentation give the team of researchers and panel of judges a clearer picture of the capabilities of the institution. A detailed description, together with documentation of how the institution’s risk management core competencies are applied either through an event or a strategy, will greatly help the review process.
As projects are evaluated based on a general criteria for implementation, and a set of category specific criteria, institutions may visit for the list of questions for each.
All information submitted is treated with the strictest confidence and used for evaluation purposes only. TAB Global publishes generic reports that discuss trends and emerging best practices demonstrated through the programme. Where we deem specific submissions as being suitable for publication, we will first seek your permission before publication.
For more information on our Regulation and Supervision Awards 2025 Programme, please visit our website or contact Ms. Shenming Wang at Your application should be submitted in softcopy to
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