The Awards

We categorize the Technology Implementation Awards according to a generic IT framework that most banks operate.

We believe that all bank technology architecture have the following components, and our awards are made for the different tactical areas in each of them:

The areas in a bank IT architecture The awards we currently make
Core Banking Systems i.   Best Core Banking Implementation
Middleware i.   Best Middleware Implementation Award
Dataware-housing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) related capabilities i.   Best Data and Analytics project
ii.  Best CRM Project
iii. Best Risk Analytics Project
Application Layer i.   Best Banking Product Application (can      specify the application according to the      business it is intended for)
ii.  Best Banking security system
Distribution i.   Best ATM installation and management      solution
ii.  Best branch security systems
iii. Best call centre project
iv. Best e-banking project
v.  Best multi-channel capability project
Back-office and support technology i.   Best Financial Supply Chain Project
ii.  Best HR Systems Implementation      Project
iii. Other awards as appropriate
Trading floor applications i.   Best Back-office System
ii.  Best Middle-office System
iii. Best Front-office System

Please note that not all awards are made every year for the categories that exist. Our choice of awards to be made in any one year depends on the quality of the submissions received and the benchmarks set by the submissions for the rest of the industry in that year.

We do modify the awards over the years to recognize the changing face of the industry and the new technology innovations as they evolve.

Please also note that awards are only made for COMPLETED PROJECTS, and not projects that are still under implementation. Actual, not projected, performance matrix are an important consideration for these awards.


   Winners List
  Winners List 2010
  Winners List 2009
  Winners List 2008
   Photo Gallery
  Photo Gallery 2010
  Photo Gallery 2009
  Photo Gallery 2008
  Photo Gallery 2007

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