Submission Details

1. Who is eligible?
Although the submission can be made by either a bank or its technology partner, banks and their IT partners will be assessed jointly for the award. The organisation submitting must ensure that the partner bank/vendor should be available for interview if required. All banks and non-bank financial institutions (including insurance companies, brokerages, credit companies and finance companies) with operations in Asia Pacific countries, with completed IT implementations in 2009 are eligible for submission. Banks making a submission must indicate the partners they worked with or products used as these will be also evaluated.

2. What documents do I need to submit?
You need to fill the questionnaires I and II and provide all relevant details of the implementation project. Your submission should be accompanied by one copy each of your institution and IT partner's latest annual report.

If you would like to apply for more than one category, please answer the questionnaires separately for each award's category applied for. One annual report is adequate for multiple category submissions.

3. Will institutions that do not make a submission be considered?
For IT projects of outstanding merit The Asian Banker may decide, at its own discretion and on a strictly case by case basis, to consider institutions that do not make a submission. However, institutions that do not make a submission may have a ranking that is not up to their expectations due to unavoidable difficulties in gathering full and accurate information when a submission has not been made.

4. Is the information submitted made available to the public?
All business sensitive information provided will not be published in any form whatsoever that could reveal the names of the institutions involved. The information selected for determining industry benchmarks will not refer to any institution by name. Any submissions deemed usable for publication, we will request for permission for.

5. What is the deadline for submissions?
To be considered for an Award, please make a complete submission to us no later than 22, January 2010, preferably in electronic format. Please keep in mind that only IT projects that were completed or made fully functional in 2009 are eligible for consideration. Work in progress should be submitted only after completion.

6. Information required

Please furnish your submission with information answering the following questions. Please use questionnaires I and II for the submission.

i. Provide project specifications and details (e.g. date of original contract, time to completion, estimated resources and man hours involved, etc).
ii. Provide us with an outline and features of the project’s technical design, including names of products used and timelines.
iii. Provide a chart containing the functionalities of the solutions purchased listed against the business issues it was designed to solve.
iv. Provide the business case and KPIs cited for investment in this project and how were these used. Also explain how the project implementation has improved (or will improve) the performance of the bank in specific and general functions of the overall banking business.
v. Explain the distinguishing feature of this implementation, which you feel makes it worthy for the award.
vi. What were the other solutions considered during the evaluation process in selection of the product, and the benchmarks used to select the vendor/ products/ design.

7. Download submission kit here.

8. Contact information

For more information on our Excellence Programme, please visit our website at or contact Ms. Nancy Duan at (65) 6236 6170 or Please submit your application in softcopy to

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