Sunday, 30 June 2024

Advisory Council

Professor Emeritus Alain Chevalier
Alain Chevalier is a full Professor of Finance at ESCP Europe. He is also a former Vice Dean, a former Vice Director General, a former Academic and International Dean and a former Dean of Faculty at ESCP Europe. He holds a PhD in Economics (Paris Ouest Nanterre), a PhD in Management (Paris Dauphine) and the French qualification for PhD supervision (Habilitation à diriger des Recherches-ESA Lille 2). He is also a consultant on complex investment projects, financial engineering and restructuration of companies and debts for banks, large corporations and governments, notably as a project manager for Lazard bank and CIC-Crédit Mutuel group. He was also an adviser in financial policy of the CFO of the Danone Group and a Vice President of a medium-sized firm in the IT business.

Mr Tod Burwell
Tod Burwell is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Bankers’ Association for Finance and Trade (BAFT). He is responsible for leading the association in its mission to provide advocacy, education and training and a common industry voice for the global transaction banking community. He has over 25 years of trade, supply chain and cash management experience as a banking practitioner, as well as serving as a consultant to global corporations and suppliers of strategically integrated trade solutions. Prior to joining BAFT, he was a Managing Director at JPMorgan Chase and held senior global management roles responsible for trade operations, launching the logistics business and managing global product sales for trade finance and logistics management.

Mr. Gordian Gaeta
Gordian Gaeta has been a banking consultant for around 25 years. He has advised and served many of the leading financial services organisations across Asia and close to half of the top 100 banks worldwide. He specialises in developing and implementing analytical solutions for complex strategic issues in financial services-related industries undergoing significant change or being exposed to intricate risk issues.

For more information on the awards programme, please contact:
Foo Boon Ping
Tel: (65) 6236 6526