Criteria for the Country Awards

Core Belief:
We believe that an outstanding institution in retail financial services demonstrates a long-term sustainable franchise, based on strong business processes that lead to a consistent and profitable performance. It recognises financial institutions for their vision, execution and market leading propositions that can make a real impact to the financial institution/bank and its consumers.

All our scorecards are based on the belief statement that capsulates all the dimensions required to run this programme well. This belief statement is then broken down into components and then set out by identifying quantifiable data that we can use as proxy to evaluate your institution's achievements.

We set best retail bank award in different region and countries according to The Asian Banker's scorecard. Retail players have to outperform not only national competitors, but also peers in the region. 

The questions that we ask in the subsequent pages related to the completion of the scorecard will also give us a good overview of your retail finance business at the micro-level in your country, at the market level between your competitors and at the street level inside your organizations.

The Excellence Scorecard is used to evaluate financial institutions on both a country and a regional basis for the Excellence in Retail Financial Services Programme. It is the backbone of the evaluation process and was developed with an eye on one of the key objectives of the programme, which is to create an instrument that is accepted by the player in the retail financial services industry as a viable, objective and representative measure of an institution's performance across multiple areas.

In our assessment of best retail, the following are the factors that we look at and the percentage we give to each of them.

Evaluation Scorecard for Retail Financial Services Excellence Programme 2018

Dimension Weight Indicator (all figures pertain to retail banking)
Corporate Strategy 5% - Overall retail banking goals
accomplished against set
mission and vision statement
- Digital transformation
- Transparency

Consistent  Financial Performance

15% - CAGR revenue (4years)
- Operating margin
- Credit cost
- Cost to income ratio

Value of Franchise

10% - Retail deposits
- Retail deposit growth
- Number of customers
- Growth in customers
- Portion is primary customer
Customer Experience 10% - Onboarding process in branch
(open current account)
- Onboarding process digital
(open current account)
- Net promoter score
Sales Management
10% - Cross sell ratio
- Digital sales
- Front line mobility
- New to bank customer acquisition
from digital

Digital and Innovation

15% - Is the bank a fast follower
or innovator?
- Portion of customer is digitally
active - Portion of txn is digital
- Resources to innovate
- Speed of innovation cycle (1-5)
Process and Technology 10% - Robotic process automation
- Siloed infrastructure
- Collaboration
Risk Management 10% - Non performing loans
- Delinquencies
- Cybersecurity, KYC, AML,
operational, corporate
governance incident
People and Organisation 10% - Balanced executive structure
- Front line attrition rate
- Staff training
- Board renewal
Corporate Values 5% - Published ethical services guidelines
- Portion of bank net profit is
allocated to environmental, social
and community activities
- Percentage of employees
involved in CSR/social initiatives

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